Monday 8 September 2008

This Year's Group Satire Assignment

Please post your group product as a comment. Identify each group member by first name and last initial. Note 30 September 2007 post for inspiration.

1. Identify a target for your criticism.
2. Brainstorm specific details that explain your criticism.
3. Create ironies, absurdities, hyperboles, etc., to reveal your criticism.
4. Create a limerick or song to share your satire with the class.


(Tune of “Frosty The Snowman”)

Wheezy the snowman
Dealt in Christmas-wrapped cocaine,
But his frequent test of his very best
Left him scrambled in the brain.

Wheezy the snowman
Was a stumbling, mumbling nerd.
Though he’d paused to joke as he dosed with coke,
All his words were badly slurred.

There must have been some poison in
The latest batch he tried,
For once he’d sniffed a king size whiff,
He fell right down and died.

Wheezy the snowman
Lies in funeral home repose,
And the addicts say as they pass that way,
“Wheezy came and Wheezy goes.”