Wednesday 30 January 2008

Quotes of Note


crazy like Hamlet said...

Pondering a sign near Highline canal as it enters underground tunnel:
"Danger: hidden baffles ahead
Certain death if entered."
Would this perhaps be a necessary warning in the womb?
--From Steve Miles, lunch 10-14-03

crazy like Hamlet said...

A couple of quotes from First Night (movie)

Live and Serve
"In serving each other, we become free" (inscribed on Round Table at Camelot)

Prince Malagant: "Other people live by other laws...."
King Arthur: "There are laws that enslave men and laws that set them free."

"Either what we hold to be right and good and true is right and good and true for all mankind, under God, or we're just another robber tribe."

Anonymous said...

The Way I See It #289 (My Hot Chocolate cup for 1-30-08)
So-called “global warming” is just a secret ploy by wacko tree-huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st-century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable. Don’t let them get away with it!
–Chip Giller, Founder of, where environmentally minded people gather online.