Monday 8 September 2008

This Year's Group Satire Assignment

Please post your group product as a comment. Identify each group member by first name and last initial. Note 30 September 2007 post for inspiration.

1. Identify a target for your criticism.
2. Brainstorm specific details that explain your criticism.
3. Create ironies, absurdities, hyperboles, etc., to reveal your criticism.
4. Create a limerick or song to share your satire with the class.


(Tune of “Frosty The Snowman”)

Wheezy the snowman
Dealt in Christmas-wrapped cocaine,
But his frequent test of his very best
Left him scrambled in the brain.

Wheezy the snowman
Was a stumbling, mumbling nerd.
Though he’d paused to joke as he dosed with coke,
All his words were badly slurred.

There must have been some poison in
The latest batch he tried,
For once he’d sniffed a king size whiff,
He fell right down and died.

Wheezy the snowman
Lies in funeral home repose,
And the addicts say as they pass that way,
“Wheezy came and Wheezy goes.”


KathrynT said...
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Anonymous said...

Epitome of American Culture
A Poem.

Ring, ring, goes the telephone.
I pick it up saying
How's it going
says Chad
Not Bad
I reply
I'm at the showing - good movie. I should go
Because people keep yelling
And throwing popcorn at me.
Now come the shushes
Cause I'm talking loudly about how stupid the people are.
Well...I gotta go.
Talking loudly at the movie
Has landed me in juvie.

--Jordan K., Kathryn T., Damian L., Josh B.

Anonymous said...
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chelley said...

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my,
But let’s not forget those who can fly,
Eagles and hawks and red robins too,
Ranging from colors of black to blue.

Your fuzzy furry suit is appropriate here,
A restaurant, a theme park, a ball game, it's clear
You’re the fan with most style, the best mascot around,
Your radical dance moves like none others to be found.

There really is no need to ask the question 'why',
A restaurant is the perfect place for you to fly,
A red birdy like you with your big blue eyes,
Is there to entertain the little girls and little guys.

But the stalking you perform is a little to alarming,
I'm sorry but mascot, you’re no prince charming,
The way you need a waitress or waiter to escort you is quaint,
I guess it’s just to save you if you happen to faint.

And the kids under the bleachers aren't hiding to weep,
They're having a great time it’s just like a dream!
That boy who just punched first your arm then your mask,
Wants only your autograph but he's too shy to ask.

But did you go to college? and do you have a degree?
I see your colorful features and wish it was me!
So respected! adored! never feared, i contend,
Everyone in this bunch wishes they were your friend

And the youngster who keeps on yanking your tail,
Simply wants a picture and cannot bear to fail.
So put your furry face into the position of a smile,
Oh wait it can’t move it’s been like that all the while!

Scoot closer together! mommy wants a nice pose,
Little Jimmy, stop struggling, you're wrinkling your clothes,
Oh Jimmy you joker, now make a nice face!
What’s that you’re holding, where did you get mace?!

Mr. mascot! I'm sorry! that got right in your eyes!!
(good job, little Jimmy. quick, down low. high five!)

--Laura H., Chelley D., Rachel K., Natalie J.

Anonymous said...

The Smiley Iris

There once was a girl in the city,
Little girls thought she was quite pretty.
She had the best of both worlds,
But her voice makes us hurl,
And her interview with Seventeen was a pity.

She says she’s so nice,
Wig covered in lice,
But it got to her brain,
Now she’s really a pain,
Scandalous pictures no longer suffice.

Nobody’s Perfect, honey that’s true.
Nobody’s Perfect, especially not you.
Lohan, Madonna, Simpson, and Spears,
Daddy says these are his fears,
‘Cept Smiley’s one of them too.

Took after her dad,
His songs are so bad.
Poor career has failed,
The dream boat has derailed,
And honestly parents are glad.

Created by Paige, Kylie, and Maria

Anonymous said...

Lad Sisper

A cowboy without a horse,
ridin' up doggies on his stead.
A parking ticket here, a parking ticket there.

The Lone Ranger standing at his cross walk:
"Stop at the middle!"
Or you lose your freedom.

Looking like a canary,
just in case you can't find them,
or if it’s dark out.

Good thing he has an 8-speed
in case there is a high-speed chase.

Where would our school be without Lad Sisper?
I don't even want to know.

--Connor D., Pat M., Grayson N., Alex, Adam T.

P.S. He protects our school like Batman, in case you want to know. (CD)

Anonymous said...

Itty Bitty Britty
by Shannon, Tessa, Ben, Whitney, and Emma

Way down South—and I mean deep—
In Creole-land, a star was born.
From the womb she sang with a voice to keep,
and from her family to Hollywood she was torn.

Her journey to stardom was by far flawless,
Setting an example for children day by day,
With songs about things that were most certainly lawless
About the bright shining starlet we see today.

But poor princess Britty got into some trouble,
but not to get into the dirt,
she married Prince Charming, or K Fed,
Whose rap sheet was longer than her skirt.

Now Britty has two sons at age twenty
And it really is quite a shame
That the best singer by far in this world
Now has to ride with no hair in her limo of shame.

Oh, well, too bad for poor Britty,
We really do miss seeing her all.
But it’s better for us
That we never discuss
That disaster that thank god shall soon fall.