Tuesday 28 October 2008

Beowulf discussion question 11

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Kylie, Josh, Paige, Rachel--Given the bipartite construction of the poem, how is the Beowulf in the second half of the poem different from the Beowulf in the first half of the poem? Find a specific passage to illustrate. How are the two Beowulfs similar? Find a specific passage to illustrate. OR How do the opening and closing images of the poem add to the unity of the poem?

Beowulf discussion question 10

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Ben, Brittany--Could Wiglaf be considered a foil to Beowulf? Explain by referring to a specific passage.

Beowulf discussion question 9

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Tessa, Adam--Why does Unferth criticize Beowulf at their first meeting? What explains his change of heart towards Beowulf?

Beowulf discussion question 8

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Kathryn, Bailey, Natalie--If you had to list four important qualities for an epic hero to possess, what would they be, based on your reading of Beowulf? Find a passage to illustrate each characteristic.

Beowulf discussion question 7

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Emma, Patrick--What best describes your opinion of Beowulf: realistic hero, superman (mortal and godlike), or god? Explain your reaction and give evidence to back up your conclusion.

Beowulf discussion question 6

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Eileen, Haley--An elegy is a poem mourning or lamenting the dead that tells of things past and describes a person's death and burial. How does the ending of Beowulf fit this definition? Find passages to illustrate.

Beowulf discussion question 5

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Alex, Shannon--Do you agree or disagree with the implied opinion in Beowulf that the best times and heroes are behind us? Give reasons for your reaction.

Beowulf discussion question 4

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Whitney, Hannah--Does Beowulf have a universal theme or message? If so, what? Support with a specific reference to the poem.

Beowulf discussion question 3

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Damian, Laura--Analyze the values of the individual or culture expressed in the vicinity of lines: 635, 1385, 2180, 2730.

Beowulf discussion question 2

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Connor, Jordan--Does the poem end with an optimistic or pessimistic view of life? Explain your rationale.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Beowulf discussion question 1

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Maria, Grayson, Chelley--Summarize the role of women in the poem by examining Welthow, Higd, and Thrith.