Tuesday 28 October 2008

Beowulf discussion question 5

Each individual provide written answer to question.

Alex, Shannon--Do you agree or disagree with the implied opinion in Beowulf that the best times and heroes are behind us? Give reasons for your reaction.


Anonymous said...

I disagree. The times of heroes fighting fire breathing dragons and great tales of love and conquest may be behind us in the mythological sense, but great heroes are still to come. With great challenge and great adversity, a hero rises up from within oneself to better humanity, and can be seen from a 9-11 fire fighter to a high school teacher to a mother struggling to make ends meet. A hero in the sense of wealth, treasure, and royalty in Beowulf’s sense may be lying dormant for a while, but wherever there is evil, there must be god, and with evil comes a villain, so with good, a hero must appear. --Shannon

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think so, but this story certainly suggests that heroes were more valued and appreciated than nowadays. Actually, that's not the case either. I nstead, we are enthralled by such epic tales because of our lack of recognition for today's true heroes. The book doesn't suggest this at all, but based on its popularity, it's hard to ignore. Heroism nowadays should be recognized as ending a genocide, being responsible with your benificences, etc. That doesn't mean watching old pirate movies isn't fun... --Alex